Dakota Input File (cs_tm_opt_soga.dakota)#

Dakota inputs are grouped into five sections: environment, method, model, variables, interface and responses. The general rule is to use keywords followed by values. The alignment of keywords and values are not important. They can share the same line or use multiple lines. Indentations are not required and used in this example only for clarity and showing the hierarchical relation of keywords. The equal sign = is also optional. Comments are specified by the character #.

For more details on the input syntax and keywords, please check the Dakota user manual and reference manual.


This section starts with the keyword environment. This section configurs some general settings such as the names of various output files.

The keyword output_file specifies the main output of the optimization. This file is given the name cs_tm_opt_soga.out:

output_file = 'cs_tm_opt_soga.out'

The keyword write_restart specifies the file that is used to restart the optimization if it stops at some point for some reason. This file is given the name cs_tm_opt_soga.rst:

write_restart = 'cs_tm_opt_soga.rst'

The keyword error_file specifies the file that stores the error messages if Dakota stops with some exceptions. This file is given the name cs_tm_opt_soga.err:

error_file = 'cs_tm_opt_soga.err'

The keyword tabular_data specifies a file that writes tabular results of variable and response history. This file is given the name cs_tm_opt_soga_tabular.dat:

  tabular_data_file = 'cs_tm_opt_soga_tabular.dat'


This section is specified by the keyword method and configures the optimization method. As stated earlier, this example will use Genetic Algorithm. For this single objective optimization problem, the specific method is SOGA (Single Objective Genetic Algorithm) and the corresponding keyword is soga:


The number of individual designs in a single generation is specified by the keyword population_size, which is set to 50:

population_size = 50

The stopping condition of the optimization contains two aspects. One is the convergence checking and the other is the maximum number of functional evaluations. The settings are:

max_function_evaluations = 2000
    percent_change = 0.1
    num_generations = 10

To control the randomness in the algorithm, a randomness seed is specified using the keyword seed:

seed = 1027

The following two settings can be used to provide more information of the optimization process. The keyword print_each_pop ask Dakota to write tabular data (variables and responses) into a file after each generation. The output file will be population_i.dat, where i is the generation number. The keyword log_file specifies the name for the file storing logging messages generated by SOGA. The inputs are:

log_file = 'cs_tm_opt_soga.log'

For other settings that are not mentioned here, readers can go to the Dakota reference manual for their detailed usage and default values.


The model section configures how variables are mapped into responses. This example uses the default and simplest model: single, where variables are mapped to responses through the process specified in interface.



This section specifies variables in this optimization problem, using the keyword variables. Following the terminology of Dakota, variables in this example can be grouped into two types, design variables and state variables. Design variables are those that will be changed in each iteration, while state variables are those that will be fixed in an optimization study.

As stated in Section: Optimization Formulation, there are two continuous design variables in this example. The corresponding inputs are:

continuous_design = 2
  descriptors     =  'wl_x2'  'wt_x2'
  upper_bounds    =   -0.10    -0.30
  lower_bounds    =   -0.20    -0.50

All other parameters mentioned in Section: Cross-sectional Parameterization and Beam Properties are treated as state variables. The keyword discrete_state_set is used to specify their fixed values. There are eight real-type state variables:

real = 8
  descriptors = 'mesh_size'  'mesh_size_fill'
                'pnsmc_x3'        'pfte2_x2'
                'pnsmc_x2'            'nsmr'
                    'chord'             'oa2'
  elements    =       0.04               0.3
                        0              -0.9
                    -0.046            0.0094
                    20.76             -0.25

There are 15 integer-type state variables:

integer = 15
  descriptors  = 'mi_spar_1'  'mi_le'  'mi_te'
                'np_spar_1'  'np_le'  'np_te'
                'fo_spar_1'  'fo_le'  'fo_te'
  elements = 4 1 4
            16 16 13
            50 -36 71


This section specifies how Dakota should run and change data with the analysis. The keyword is interface. The command used to call the analysis is specified by the keyword analysis_driver. Since the analysis is coded in a Python script and data (inputs/outputs) are transferred through files, the fork type is used for this analysis driver:

analysis_driver = 'python3 interface.py interface_args.json uh60a_section'

The names of the parameters file (written by Dakota) and the results file (read by Dakota) are specified as:

parameters_file = 'input.in'
results_file = 'output.out'

Hence, the actual shell command called by Dakota will be

python3 interface.py interface_args.json uh60a_section input.in output.out

All files generated by the analysis can be saved by using the keyword file_save. If the storage is limited, then all files can be deleted after each successful evaluation by commenting out this keyword.

To use the concurrent computing technique provided by Dakota, each individual analysis must be carried out in an isolated working directory. In this example, each analysis is done in a folder named evals/eval_i, where i is the directory_tag, which is also the evaluation number. Same as file_save, directory_save is also optional. This is specified as:

  named = 'evals/eval'

To make the analysis driver work, the final step is to specify all files needed by the analysis driver, using the keyword link_file (Linux) or copy_file (Windows):

link_file = 'interface.py'

In this example, the following six files are needed:

  1. design/uh60a_section.xml.tmp (see Section: Cross-section Main Input Template (uh60a_section.xml.tmp))

  2. design/material_database.xml (see Section: Material Database (material_database.xml))

  3. design/sc1095.dat (see Section: Cross-section Airfoil Data (sc1095.dat))

  4. interface.py (see Section: Dakota Interface Scripts (interface.py))

  5. interface_args.json (see Section: Interface Arguments (interface_args.json))

  6. data_proc_funcs.py (see Section: Data Processing Functions (data_proc_funcs.py))

Finally, this example runs 20 concurrent analyses each time. This is specified as:

  evaluation_concurrency = 20


This section specifies the responses sent pack to Dakota from the analysis driver, including objectives and constraints. Based on the optimization formulation in Section: Optimization Formulation, Dakota will read two responses from the result file, one objective and one constraint:

  descriptors = 'diff' 'mpl'

The objective is to minimize the difference between the calculated and target beam properties:

objective_functions = 1
  sense = 'min'

The constraint is keep the calculated mass less than the target value:

nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 1
  upper_bounds =  0.00149
  lower_bounds =        0

Since the optimization method is Genetic Algorithm, there is no gradient and hessian results returned to Dakota.

Complete file#

Listing 6 cs_tm_opt_soga.dakota#
# ====================================================================

  output_file = 'cs_tm_opt_soga.out'
  write_restart = 'cs_tm_opt_soga.rst'
  error_file = 'cs_tm_opt_soga.err'
    tabular_data_file = 'cs_tm_opt_soga_tabular.dat'

# ====================================================================

    max_function_evaluations = 2000
    population_size = 50
    seed = 1027
      average_fitness_tracker  # default
        percent_change = 0.1  # defualt: 0.1
        num_generations = 10  # default: 10
    log_file = 'cs_tm_opt_soga.log'

# ====================================================================


# ====================================================================

  active design

  continuous_design = 2
    descriptors     =  'wl_x2'  'wt_x2'
    upper_bounds    =   -0.10    -0.30
    lower_bounds    =   -0.20    -0.50

    real = 8
      descriptors = 'mesh_size'  'mesh_size_fill'
                    'pnsmc_x3'        'pfte2_x2'
                    'pnsmc_x2'            'nsmr'
                        'chord'             'oa2'
      elements    =       0.04               0.3
                            0              -0.9
                        -0.046            0.0094
                        20.76             -0.25
    integer = 15
      descriptors  = 'mi_spar_1'  'mi_le'  'mi_te'
                    'np_spar_1'  'np_le'  'np_te'
                    'fo_spar_1'  'fo_le'  'fo_te'
      elements = 4 1 4
                16 16 13
                50 -36 71

# ====================================================================

  analysis_driver = 'python3 interface.py interface_args.json'
      parameters_file = 'input.in'
      results_file = 'output.out'
        named = 'evals/eval'
        link_file = 'interface.py'
    evaluation_concurrency = 20

# ====================================================================

  descriptors = 'diff' 'mpl'
  objective_functions = 1
    sense = 'min'
    nonlinear_inequality_constraints = 1
      upper_bounds =  0.00149
      lower_bounds =        0