Download and Installation#


Download and install VABS 4.0 (with valid license). In the instructions below, VABS_DIR refers to the path to the VABS executable. VABS manual can be found and downloaded here [VABS].

Download and install Gmsh ( following the official instructions. In the instructions below, GMSH_DIR refers to the path to the Gmsh executable.

Install binary#

Download PreVABS binary from cdmHUB ( Unpack the package to any location. In the instructions below, PREVABS_DIR refers to the path to the PreVABS executable;

Add those paths to executables to the system environment variable PATH;

  • On Windows:

    Open Environment Variables editor. Edit user variables for your account or edit system variables if you have the administrator access. Add VABS_DIR, GMSH_DIR, and PREVABS_DIR to the variable PATH.

  • On Linux:

    In the shell, type:


    To make this effective each time starting the bash, you can add this command to the bash startup file, which may be ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile, or ~/bash_login;