Parameter study of a single cross-section#
Problem description#
This example carries out a simple parameter study of a single cross-section by varying two design variables.
The base design of this cross-section has an airfoil profile with a main box-type spar, which is typically seen in helicopter rotor blades.
Here, a template of this type of design is used (airfoil_gbox_uni.xml.tmp
), which is provided along with the iVABS package.
Two parameters, \(a^{wl}_2\) and \(a^{wt}_2\), control the locations of the front and back spar webs, as shown in Fig. 7.

Figure 7 Geometric parameters of the airfoi box-spar baseline design.#
The leading web location \(a^{wl}_2\) is varied from 0.8 to 0.9. The trailing web location \(a^{wt}_2\) is varied from 0.5 to 0.6.
Three beam properties are inspected in this example: torsional stiffness \(GJ\), flap-wise bending stiffness \(EI_f\), and chord-wise bending stiffness \(EI_c\).
This example uses a full factorial study method multidim_parameter_study
method of Dakota.
Each dimension (design variable) is divided into two equal length intervals, resulting three levels (factors).
Then all possible combinations of the two design variables are evaluated, i.e., nine evaluations in total.
Base design template: airfoil_gbox_uni.xml.tmp
Fixed parameters#
Keyword |
Type |
Value |
Description |
String |
“material_database_us_ft” |
Material database file name |
String |
“SC1095.dat” |
Airfoil data file name |
Integer number |
-1 |
Direction of point arrangement (clock-wise) |
String |
“T300 15k/976_0.0053” |
Lamina choice for the spar layup |
String |
“T300 15k/976_0.0053” |
Lamina choice for the front (leading) layup |
String |
“T300 15k/976_0.0053” |
Lamina choice for the back (trailing) layup |
String |
“T300 15k/976_0.0053” |
Lamina choice for the skin layer |
String |
“Aluminum 8009_0.01” |
Lamina choice for the cap layer |
String |
“lead” |
Material choice for the non-structural mass |
String |
“Rohacell 70” |
Material choice for the front filling component |
String |
“Plascore PN2-3/16OX3.0” |
Material choice for the back filling component |
String |
“Plascore PN2-3/16OX3.0” |
Material choice for the trailing edge filling component |
Real number |
0.004 |
Global mesh size (with respect to the scale of the actual cross-section) |
Real number |
0.001 |
Radius of the non-structural mass (non-dimensional) |
Design variables#
Design variable |
Type |
Lower bound |
Upper bound |
Description |
Real number |
0.8 |
0.9 |
Horizontal location of the front (leading) spar web (\(a^{wl}_2\) non-dimensional) |
Real number |
0.5 |
0.6 |
Horizontal location of the back (trailing) spar web (\(a^{wt}_2\) non-dimensional) |
A list of the study input and output of all evaluations can be found in the output file cs_param_study_tabular.dat
Eval. ID |
\(a^{wl}_2\) |
\(a^{wt}_2\) |
\(GJ\) |
\(EI_f\) |
\(EI_c\) |
[\(\mathrm{lb \cdot ft}\)] |
[\(\mathrm{lb \cdot ft}\)] |
[\(\mathrm{lb \cdot ft}\)] |
1 |
0.8 |
0.5 |
1840.32471 |
11197.46512 |
415399.2403 |
2 |
0.85 |
0.5 |
1964.208757 |
11869.13028 |
443812.0122 |
3 |
0.9 |
0.5 |
2075.750735 |
12416.16107 |
477884.239 |
4 |
0.8 |
0.55 |
1725.977801 |
10608.58915 |
409504.7557 |
5 |
0.85 |
0.55 |
1849.543115 |
11280.24525 |
436552.1801 |
6 |
0.9 |
0.55 |
1960.98994 |
11827.27314 |
469132.32 |
7 |
0.8 |
0.6 |
1603.070759 |
9954.565352 |
407423.6863 |
8 |
0.85 |
0.6 |
1725.791505 |
10626.19938 |
433432.1767 |
9 |
0.9 |
0.6 |
1836.948701 |
11173.19896 |
464843.1338 |
Correlation matrices between inputs and outputs can be foundin the file cs_param_study_results.txt
\(GJ\) |
\(EI_f\) |
\(EI_c\) |
\(a^{wl}_2\) |
9.9931687970e-01 |
9.9778765807e-01 |
9.9718993466e-01 |
\(a^{wt}_2\) |
-9.9933614526e-01 |
-9.9787290438e-01 |
-9.1880696915e-01 |
\(GJ\) |
\(EI_f\) |
\(EI_c\) |
\(a^{wl}_2\) |
9.4672926241e-01 |
9.3704257133e-01 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
\(a^{wt}_2\) |
-9.7026934103e-01 |
-9.5257934442e-01 |
-1.0000000000e+00 |
\(a^{wl}_2\) |
\(a^{wt}_2\) |
\(GJ\) |
\(EI_f\) |
\(EI_c\) |
\(a^{wl}_2\) |
1.0000000000e+00 |
0.0000000000e+00 |
7.0179013104e-01 |
6.9934359720e-01 |
9.8236434169e-01 |
\(a^{wt}_2\) |
0.0000000000e+00 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
-7.1191083397e-01 |
-7.1326523789e-01 |
-1.7179552901e-01 |
\(GJ\) |
7.0179013104e-01 |
-7.1191083397e-01 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
9.9976390358e-01 |
8.1008496932e-01 |
\(EI_f\) |
6.9934359720e-01 |
-7.1326523789e-01 |
9.9976390358e-01 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
8.0653484855e-01 |
\(EI_c\) |
9.8236434169e-01 |
-1.7179552901e-01 |
8.1008496932e-01 |
8.0653484855e-01 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
\(a^{wl}_2\) |
\(a^{wt}_2\) |
\(GJ\) |
\(EI_f\) |
\(EI_c\) |
\(a^{wl}_2\) |
1.0000000000e+00 |
0.0000000000e+00 |
5.7975090436e-01 |
6.3245553203e-01 |
9.4868329805e-01 |
\(a^{wt}_2\) |
0.0000000000e+00 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
-7.9056941504e-01 |
-7.3786478737e-01 |
-3.1622776602e-01 |
\(GJ\) |
5.7975090436e-01 |
-7.9056941504e-01 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
9.8333333333e-01 |
8.0000000000e-01 |
\(EI_f\) |
6.3245553203e-01 |
-7.3786478737e-01 |
9.8333333333e-01 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
8.3333333333e-01 |
\(EI_c\) |
9.4868329805e-01 |
-3.1622776602e-01 |
8.0000000000e-01 |
8.3333333333e-01 |
1.0000000000e+00 |
Files for this example#
Input files#
This is the design template for the type of cross-section having an airfoil profile with a main box-type spar. Depending on the problem, one or more design templates might be needed. More details on design templates can be found in Section Cross-sectional Design Templates.
This is the local material database used by the cross-section. There is also an global database (
) located inivabs/bin
. Users can add more contents in both files. More details on the material inputs can be found in Section Materials and layups.SC1095.dat
This is the airfoil data file for the cross-section. Depending on the problem, one or more airfoil data files might be needed.
This is the main input file required for all cases. It contains most of the information needed. More details on the main input file can be found in Section Guide to Main Input File.
This is the startup script. It is required for all cases, but no changes needed and can be directly copied to a different working directory.
Output files#
Current version of iVABS uses Dakota as the driver. Hence, most output files are related to Dakota.
This is the Dakota input generated by iVABS from
This is the Dakota main output file including a summary of the process.
This is the Dakota result file. Contents could be different for different Dakota methods.
This contains a table of inputs and outputs of each evaluation/iteration.
This is the Dakota restart file. If the Dakota process stops for some reason, you can try to continue the process from the stopping point, using the following command:
dakota -i cs_param_study.dakota -read_restart cs_param_study.rst
This is the Dakota error file.
Each directory contains all input and output files for each evaluation/iteration. Links for the five input files are also generated in these directories.