
Most of the keywords in this block are the same as those of Dakota. See their documentation for more information.

Related pages:

Listing 19 Example#
 2  method:
 3    format: "keyword"
 4    output: "normal"
 5    soga:
 6      max_function_evaluations: 10
 7      population_size: 5
 8      seed: 1027
 9      print_each_pop: true
10  variables:
11    data_form: "compact"
12    data: |
13      a2p1, design, continuous, 0.7:0.9
14      a2p3, design, continuous, 0.5:0.7
15  responses:
16    data_form: "compact"
17    data: |
18      diff_gj,   objective, min, 0.5
19      diff_eiyy, objective, min, 0.8
20      diff_eizz, objective, min, 0.8
21  interface:
22    fork:
23      parameters_file: ""
24      results_file: "output.out"
25      file_save: on
26      work_directory:
27        directory_tag: on
28        directory_save: on
29    required_files:
30      - "design/*"
31      - "scripts/*"