Documentation is under construction. Please use examples as the main reference.

Installation on Linux#


IVABS_ROOT refers to the root directory of iVABS after installation.

Installer (

  1. Run

  2. Select the installation directory of your own choice. The default is ivabs inside your home directory, i.e. IVABS_ROOT=$HOME/ivabs.

  3. If you have Dakota already installed on your computer, you can skip Dakota installation by answering no to that question.

  4. Environment variables of PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH can be updated automatically and wrote to the shell startup file. The installer will detect the shell you are currently using and use a default startup file (.bash_profile for bash, .zshrc for zsh, .cshrc or .tcshrc for csh). However, if your shell/terminal uses a different startup file such as .bashrc, you need to set these environmental variables by yourself as described in the next section.

  5. You need to make these changed environment variables effective by using a correspondng command (such as source $HOME/.bash_profile for bash) or restart the terminal shell.

Portable archive (ivabs-#.#-linux-portable.tar.gz)#

  1. Unpackage the archive to a sub-directory called ivabs within the current directory using the following command.

    tar xzvf ivabs_#.#_linux_portable.tar.gz
  2. You can also unpackage the archive to a directory of your own choice. For example, you can use the following command to install iVABS in $HOME/ivabs.

    tar xzvfC ivabs_#.#_linux_portable.tar.gz $HOME
  3. Set environment variables manually. For example, for bash shell, you can use the following commands to set the environment variables for the current shell session.

    export PATH=$PATH:$IVABS_ROOT/bin
    # If the Dakota included in the iVABS release is installed
    export PATH=$PATH:$IVABS_ROOT/dakota/bin
  4. If you want to make this setting permanent, you need to add the above commands to the startup file of the shell. Typical startup files for bash shells are ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. After editing and saving the startup file, use the following command in the shell to activate these changes:

    source ~/.bash_profile  # or other startup file

Configuration of executable#

If ivabs is not recognized as a command, you need to convert the file to an executable:

chmod +x $IVABS_ROOT/bin/ivabs