Installation on Linux ====================== .. note:: ``IVABS_ROOT`` refers to the root directory of iVABS after installation. Installer (````) --------------------------------------------- #. Run .. code-block:: bash bash #. Select the installation directory of your own choice. The default is ``ivabs`` inside your home directory, i.e. ``IVABS_ROOT=$HOME/ivabs``. #. If you have Dakota already installed on your computer, you can skip Dakota installation by answering ``no`` to that question. #. Environment variables of ``PATH``, ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` and ``PYTHONPATH`` can be updated automatically and wrote to the shell startup file. The installer will detect the shell you are currently using and use a default startup file (``.bash_profile`` for bash, ``.zshrc`` for zsh, ``.cshrc`` or ``.tcshrc`` for csh). However, if your shell/terminal uses a different startup file such as ``.bashrc``, you need to set these environmental variables by yourself as described in the next section. #. You need to make these changed environment variables effective by using a correspondng command (such as ``source $HOME/.bash_profile`` for bash) or restart the terminal shell. Portable archive (``ivabs-#.#-linux-portable.tar.gz``) -------------------------------------------------------- #. Unpackage the archive to a sub-directory called ivabs within the current directory using the following command. .. code-block:: bash tar xzvf ivabs_#.#_linux_portable.tar.gz #. You can also unpackage the archive to a directory of your own choice. For example, you can use the following command to install iVABS in ``$HOME/ivabs``. .. code-block:: bash tar xzvfC ivabs_#.#_linux_portable.tar.gz $HOME #. Set environment variables manually. For example, for bash shell, you can use the following commands to set the environment variables for the current shell session. .. code-block:: bash export PATH=$PATH:$IVABS_ROOT/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$IVABS_ROOT/bin export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$IVABS_ROOT/scripts #. If you want to make this setting permanent, you need to add the above commands to the startup file of the shell. Typical startup files for bash shells are ``~/.bashrc`` or ``~/.bash_profile``. After editing and saving the startup file, use the following command in the shell to activate these changes: .. code-block:: bash source ~/.bash_profile # or other startup file Configuration of executable ---------------------------- If `ivabs` is not recognized as a command, you need to convert the file to an executable: .. code-block:: bash chmod +x $IVABS_ROOT/bin/ivabs