module opensg.compute_utils
- opensg.compute_utils.dof_mapping_quad(V, v2a, V_l, w_ll, boundary_facets_left, entity_mapl)#
dof mapping makes solved unknown value w_l(Function(V_l)) assigned to v2a (Function(V)). The boundary of wind blade mesh is a 1D curve. The facet/edge number is obtained from cell to edge connectivity (conn3) showed in subdomain subroutine. The same facet/edge number of extracted mesh_l (submesh) is obtaine din entity_mapl (gloabl mesh number). refer how submesh was generated. Therefore, once identifying the edge number being same for global(mesh)&boundary mesh(mesh_l), we equate the dofs and store w_l to v2a. The dofs can be verified by comparing the coordinates of local and global dofs if required.
- Parameters:
V (_type_) – _description_
v2a (_type_) – _description_
V_l (_type_) – _description_
w_ll (1D array (len(4))) – Fluctuating function data for case p
boundary_facets_left (_type_) – _description_
entity_mapl (_type_) – _description_
- Returns:
_type_ – _description_