sgio.write(sg: StructureGene, fn: str, file_format: str, format_version: str =
, analysis='h'
, sg_fmt: int =1
, macro_responses: list[StateCase] =[]
, model_type='SD1'
, load_type=0
, sfi: str ='8d'
, sff: str ='20.12e'
, mesh_only=False
)¶ Write analysis input
- Parameters:¶
- sg : sgio.core.StructureGene¶
Structure gene object
- fn : str¶
Name of the input file
- file_format : str¶
Format of the SG data file. Choose one from ‘vabs’, ‘sc’, ‘swiftcomp’.
- format_version : str, optional¶
Version of the format. Default is ‘’
- analysis : str, optional¶
Indicator of SG analysis. Default is ‘h’. Choose one from * ‘h’: Homogenization * ‘d’ or ‘l’: Dehomogenization * ‘fi’: Initial failure indices and strength ratios
- sg_fmt : {0, 1}, optional¶
Format for the VABS input. Default is 1
- macro_responses : list[StateCase], optional¶
Macroscopic responses. Default is [].
- model_type : str¶
Type of the macro structural model. Default is ‘SD1’. Choose one from * ‘SD1’: Cauchy continuum model * ‘PL1’: Kirchhoff-Love plate/shell model * ‘PL2’: Reissner-Mindlin plate/shell model * ‘BM1’: Euler-Bernoulli beam model * ‘BM2’: Timoshenko beam model
- load_type : int, optional¶
Type of the load. Default is 0
- sfi: str =
¶ String formating integers. Default is ‘8d’
- sff: str =
¶ String formating floats. Default is ‘20.12e’
- mesh_only=
¶ If write meshing data only. Default is False