.. _section-ivabs-start: Quick Start ============ .. note:: In this documentation, ``IVABS_ROOT`` refers to the root directory of iVABS after installation. Run iVABS with a simple example ------------------------------- Start the shell/terminal that is configured during the installation. Please refer to :ref:`section-ivabs_install` for more information. If you are using Python virtual environment managed by Anaconda (see :doc:`/install/python_setup`), you need to activate it first. For example, if Python 3.6 and all dependencies are installed in a virtual environment named ``py3ivabs``, then activate it using .. code-block:: shell conda activate py3ivabs Go to the directory ``IVABS_ROOT/examples/anl_cs_airfoil_box`` .. code-block:: shell cd IVABS_ROOT/examples/anl_cs_airfoil_box Run the example using the following command. .. code-block:: shell ivabs main.yml --mode 1 If iVABS has been installed properly, a single cross-sectional analysis will be carried out and the result can be found in the output file ``main.out``. .. If iVABS has been installed properly, it will generate a complete list of output files shown in the section below (:ref:`section-start_file_out`). .. In the file ``cs_param_study.out``, the following message should appear at the end of the file. .. .. code-block:: none .. <<<<< Iterator multidim_parameter_study completed. .. <<<<< Environment execution completed. .. DAKOTA execution time in seconds: .. Total CPU = 34.003 [parent = 34.003, child = 0] .. Total wall clock = 34.003 .. Running time usually takes less than one minute depending on the computer. .. Please refer to :ref:`section-ivabs_example_quickstart_param_study` for a detailed explanation of this example. iVABS running options --------------------- The general command syntax to run an iVABS study is .. code-block:: shell ivabs [options] Use the option ``-h`` to see the list of available options. There are two running modes: #. Mode 0 is the default mode. It will generate Dakota input and run iterative analysis. .. code-block:: shell ivabs #. Mode 1 runs a single analysis. .. code-block:: shell ivabs --mode 1 .. #. Mode 2 only generates Dakota input. The process stops after generating the Dakota input. .. .. code-block:: shell .. python run.py main_input.yml 2 Other examples -------------- More examples can be found in Section :ref:`section-ivabs-examples`.