.. _section-coordinate: Coordinate systems ================== There are three coordinate frames used in PreVABS as shown in :numref:`Fig. %s `: - **z** is a basic frame, for the normalized airfoil data points for instance; - **x** is the final frame; - **y** is the local frame for each element. .. figure:: /figures/frames.png :name: fig_frames :width: 6in :align: center The basic, cross-sectional and elementary frames in a cross section. Here, |z1|, |x1| and |y1| are parallel to the tangent of the beam reference line and pointing out of the paper. The basic frame is where base points are defined. The cross-sectional and elementary frames have the same definitions as those in VABS. User can define the topology of a cross section in the basic frame **z** and use manipulations like translation, scaling and rotation to generate the actual geometry in **x**. For an airfoil cross section, airfoil surface data points downloaded from a database having chord length 1 are in the frame **z**, and they are transformed into the frame **x** through translation (re-define the origin), scaling (multiplied by the actual chord length), and rotation (attack angle) if necessary, as shown in :numref:`Fig. %s `. More details about this transformation can be found in Section: :ref:`section-overall` below. .. figure:: /figures/transforms.png :name: fig_transforms :width: 100% :align: center Three manipulations to transform a cross section. In PreVABS, the definition of the elementary frame **y** follows the rule that the positive direction of |y2| axis is always the same as the direction of the base line, and then |y3| is generated based on |y1| and |y2| according to the right-hand rule. More details about the base line can be found in :ref:`section-shape`.