.. _kw-type: type ====== As the child keyword of |sg| model ---------------------------------- |SG| model type. .. code-block:: yaml structure: cs: - name: "..." model: type: "..." ... ... Specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. only:: msg :Parent keyword: :ref:`kw-model` :Arguments: Choose one from SD1\|PL1\|PL2\|BM1\|BM2 :Default: None * ``SD1``: Cauchy continuum model. * ``PL1``: Kirchhoff-Love plate/shell model. * ``PL2``: Reissner-Mindlin plate/shell model. * ``BM1``: Euler-Bernoulli beam model. * ``BM2``: Timoshenko beam model. .. only:: ivabs :Parent keyword: :ref:`kw-model` :Arguments: Choose one from BM1\|BM2 :Default: None * ``BM1``: Euler-Bernoulli beam model. * ``BM2``: Timoshenko beam model. As the child keyword of analysis step ------------------------------------- Type of the current analysis step. .. code-block:: yaml analysis: steps: - step: "..." type: "..." ... Specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :Parent keyword: :ref:`kw-steps` :Arguments: Choose one from cs\|script :Default: None ``cs`` defines a cross-sectional analysis step. ``script`` defines a custom step using user-provided Python scripts. Related pages * :ref:`section-guide_analysis_script`