.. _kw-structure: structure =========================== Definition of the global structure. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: structure: name: parameter: ... distribution: ... design: ... model: ... Specification ------------- :Parent keyword: None :Arguments: None :Default: None Child keywords -------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Keyword - Requirements - Description * - :ref:`kw-name` - Required - Name of the structure. * - :ref:`kw-parameter` - Optional - Parameters of the structure. * - :ref:`kw-distribution` - Optional - Distributions of parameters. * - :ref:`kw-model` - Optional - Model of the structure. * - :ref:`kw-sg_assign` - Required - Assignments of |sg| to regions. * - :ref:`kw-sg` - Required - Specification of |sg| models.