.. _kw-steps: steps ====== Specification of analysis steps. .. code-block:: yaml analysis: steps: - step: "step 1" ... - step: "step 2" ... Specification ------------- :Arguments: List of analysis steps :Default: None :Parent keyword: :ref:`kw-analysis` Child keywords -------------- For each step: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Keyword - Requirements - Description * - :ref:`kw-step` - Required - Name of the step * - :ref:`kw-type` - Required - Type of the step * - :ref:`kw-output` - Optional - Output specification of the step * - :ref:`kw-module` - Optional - Name of the custom Python script file * - :ref:`kw-function` - Optional - Function used in the script step * - :ref:`kw-kwargs` - Optional - Additional arguments for the function