.. _kw-sg: |sg_key| ========================== As the root keyword ------------------- This block contains a list of |structure genetic| base designs. Specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :Parent keyword: None :Arguments: List of |structure genetic| base designs :Default: None .. code-block:: yaml cs: - name: "cs_base_design_1" ... - name: "cs_base_design_2" ... Child keywords ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For each |structure genetic| base design: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Keyword - Requirements - Description * - :ref:`kw-name` - Required - Name of the |structure genetic| base design * - :ref:`kw-design` - Required - Basic design setup of the current |sg| * - :ref:`kw-parameter` - Optional - Design parameters * - :ref:`kw-builder` - Optional - Builder of the |sg| Example ^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: /_static/main_input_ref.yml :language: yaml :start-after: [sg] :end-before: [sg_end] :linenos: As the child keyword of structure ---------------------------------- |sg| model specification. Specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :Parent keyword: :ref:`kw-structure` :Arguments: List of |sg| models :Default: None Child keywords ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For each |sg| model: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Keyword - Requirements - Description * - :ref:`kw-name` - Required - Name of the |sg| model * - :ref:`kw-design` - Required - Name of the |sg| design * - :ref:`kw-model` - Required - Specification of the constitutive model