.. _kw-function: function =========================== As the root keyword -------------------- Define functions used by other keywords. .. code-block:: yaml function: - name: 'f1_name' ... - name: 'f2_name' ... Specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :Arguments: List of function specifications :Default: None Child keywords ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For each function: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Keyword - Requirements - Description * - :ref:`kw-name` - Required - Name of the function * - :ref:`kw-type` - Required - Type of the function * - :ref:`kw-kind` - Optional - Kind of the interpolation function Example ^^^^^^^ As the child keyword of analysis step --------------------------------------- Specify the function used in the analysis step. .. code-block:: yaml analysis: steps: - step: "..." type: "script" module: "..." function: "..." :Parent keyword: :ref:`kw-steps` :Arguments: String :Default: None Related pages * :ref:`section-guide_analysis_script`