.. _kw-distribution: distribution ============ Define distributions of parameters. .. code-block:: yaml distribution: - name: 'param1' ... - name: 'param2' ... Specification ------------- :Arguments: List of distribution specifications :Default: None Child keywords -------------- For each distribution: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Keyword - Requirements - Description * - :ref:`kw-name` - Required - Name of the parameter(s) * - :ref:`kw-function` - Required - Name of the function to generate the distribution * - :ref:`kw-data` - Optional - Data to be passed to the interpolation function Example ------- .. .. code-block:: yaml .. :linenos: .. distribution: .. - name: 'param1' .. function: 'f1_name' .. ... .. - name: 'param2' .. function: 'f2_name' .. data: .. ... .. ...