.. _kw-analysis: analysis ======================== As the root keyword -------------------- Define analysis process. .. code-block:: yaml analysis: steps: - step: "step 1" ... - step: "step 2" ... Specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :Arguments: None :Default: None Child keywords ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Keyword - Requirements - Description * - :ref:`kw-steps` - Required - Specification of analysis steps As the child keyword of analysis step --------------------------------------- Specify the |structure genetic| analysis type. .. code-block:: yaml analysis: steps: - step: "..." type: "cs" analysis: "..." Specification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :Parent keyword: :ref:`kw-steps` :Arguments: Choose one from h\|fi * ``h``: Homogenization. * ``fi``: Initial failure index and strength ratio analysis. .. literalinclude:: /_static/main_input_ref.yml :caption: Example :language: yaml :start-after: [analysis] :end-before: [analysis_end] :linenos: