.. _glossary: Glossary ============ This page contains definitions for various terminology and abbreviations used throughout opensg documentation and code. Terminology ----------- !!WIP!! Mesh: A collection of cells (e.g., triangles, quadrilaterals in 2D, or tetrahedrons, hexahedrons in 3D) representing a discretized computational domain. A dolfinx.mesh.Mesh object encapsulates both the geometry and topology of this mesh. Cell: A fundamental element of a mesh (e.g., a triangle in 2D, tetrahedron in 3D) that divides the domain into discrete parts for FEA computations. Facet: A boundary entity of a cell that is one dimension lower than the cell itself Boundary Condition: A condition imposed on facets or boundaries of a mesh, such as Dirichlet boundary conditions (specifying function values on the boundary) or Neumann boundary conditions (specifying derivative values). Connectivity: The relationship between different entities in a mesh (e.g., between vertices and cells, cells and facets). Connectivity maps define how entities are connected within a mesh. Topology: In dolfinx, refers to the structural organization of the mesh, including the number and types of entities (vertices, edges, faces, cells) and their connectivity. Abbreviations -------------